
Setting up rslogix 500 emulator
Setting up rslogix 500 emulator

Repeat these steps for any ladder that might be showing afterwards and then open the ladder that you want to use with the emulator and AdvancedHMI and follow the settings from pdf file (com0com or any other driver has to be setup prior to doing this). RSS file already showing then click "HLT" button to halt it and then on the "File" menu click "Close". This is what I would suggest you do: open RSLogix Emulate 500 and if there is a ladder or. If you were using it before then those previous ladders are probably still active in the emulator and might be taking Station # 1. One thing you have to make sure is that RSLogix Emulator 500 is only running 1 ladder at the time. The instructions in pdf file are correct, but since ports are paired up you can alternate beetwen them (example would be if you set the emulator "Channel 0 Data Highway Settings" to Com1 then you have to set AdvancedHMI port to Com2 and vice versa). Prior to installing this program, check the computer Device Manager and it will show what ports are already installed on a computer. My computer doesn't have any physical Com ports and that's why I could do it like this. This com0com program installed paired ports as Com5 and Com6 but I renamed them to Com1 and Com2 on this same screen, since RSLogix Emulate 500 doesn't seem to support any ports above Com4.

setting up rslogix 500 emulator setting up rslogix 500 emulator

Here is a screen of free com0com program as I set it up on my computer (instead of using the Eltima software driver from pdf file since it only has 14-day trial available). I just tried 3.98f and it works while 3.98t didn't (failed to get processor type).

Setting up rslogix 500 emulator